Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Not in the Wind

I am sane, I am whole, I am alive, still and well,
I am not a myth, I am living and well, this is me,
solid and stable.
I am not in the wind of pain, worry, fear, or doubth
but in the wind of hope, love, faith and well being.
My desires are carried through the wind to the bossom of the faithful father
hearer of all prayers and giver of life
he brings all request to be
and causes Joy abundance in my heart.
I am not in the wind, my pain is real, but not parmanent,
it is a passing phase, just like the wind,
A calmness will unfold, and with it my expectation will be met.

Copyrighted to Rina Tarir

Open Hearts

Open Hearts
In Gratitude